Partner Resources
When it comes to nicotine use, NH youth are using electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), also known as vapes, at an increasingly high rates.
Save Your Breath is a social marketing campaign to raise awareness about the harms of vaping among youth aged 13-18 living in the state. The campaign encourages youth to stand up to Big Tobacco and ENDS manufacturers in order to take back control of their physical and mental health, money, and time.
Sample Social Media Messages
How to copy a sample message: First you must select and highlight the text you want to copy. Press and hold the left mouse button and then drag the mouse from the top left to the bottom right of the entire selection of text.
To copy the highlighted text, on your keyboard, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C or right-click the highlighted text and click Copy.
Vaping can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, and upset. See the lie, save your breath.
Visit to learn more #SaveYourBreathNH
Companies make vaping look laid back and harmless, but chemicals in your vape hurt your lungs and actually make you more stressed out and anxious. See the lie, save your breath.
Visit to learn more #SaveYourBreathNH
Vape companies use us to promote their products, get us addicted and waste our money. We see through their lies.
Visit to learn more #SaveYourBreathNH
Your freedom is everything, but vapes are designed to get you hooked on the nicotine and chemicals, making you feel like you can’t live without them.
Visit to learn more #SaveYourBreathNH
We can see through their lies: vaping burns your lungs and leaves you feeling more anxious and stressed. Save your breath.
Visit to learn more #SaveYourBreathNH
More Resources to Help Quit Tobacco and Vaping
For resources to help adults or pregnant people quit, visit QuitNow-NH and TodayIsFor.Me.
For resources about other substances besides vaping, visit our partner, The Partnership
Check out the winning entries submitted by New Hampshire youth in the 2021 Save Your Breath Mask Design Contest!